Category: Articles

Four Ways for Entrepreneurs to Defuse Anxiety

These points are extracted from my upcoming book The Anxious Entrepreneur. It was at about 3:35 pm. I felt I was about to faint or have a panic attack. The day was not going well. Over and above, I was overly tired. It had been weeks since I had any ‘win’. Therefore I needed to…

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Do People Treat Me Differently Since I Talk Openly About Depression?

As Amy and I get ready to return to Boulder today and physically re-enter the human race, I woke up this morning thinking about how I’m feeling emotionally. We’ve had an excellent three weeks up at our house in Homer, Alaska, far away from the people we know. Our only friends up here are our…

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Raising Funding Almost Destroyed My Startup

In early 2014 (about 15 months into my business) I had the opportunity to raise a small round of seed funding for my subscription sock company, The figure was about $25 000 and I was raising it from a single angel investor. The angel and I had an aligned vision, we spent months discussing…

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A Short Guide To Knowing An Entrepreneur

Over the past decade I’ve had countless conversations about being an entrepreneur, what the definition of an entrepreneur is and why the hell people like us keep doing what we do in the face of insane odds and statistically certain failure. Below is a list of 15 things that I’d like you to know about…

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Schizopreneur – The Brutal Emotional Battery of Being an Entrepreneur

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and everything feels great? Your first meeting goes brilliantly. Your coffee tastes as good as it smells and your eggs actually arrive as you ordered them (medium and not rock hard). And then something happens that sends you into the most foul of…

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Why I love being an entrepreneur

The other day I managed – unintentionally I’d like to add – scare quite a few people with my blog “From Employee to Entrepreneur: what I wish someone had told me before I quit my job at Goldman Sachs”. The intention wasn’t to scare anyone, but to slap aspiring entrepreneurs with the reality check hand…

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