Category: Articles

The most important reason to ignore your parents

Fact: Your parents love you. They do not want you to be hurt. Having lived life, they will know the only way to avoid pain is to avoid taking risk. That’s why your parents will always give you bad advice. Taking risk is the only path to growth. Personal, social and financial growth. Your growth…

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How to let go of nice people

Its easy getting rid of assholes. Its never nice firing nice people. But sometimes a nice person has to go, and the only question is “How?” Rule number one is show respect. Most of the time, strict adherence to the law is the wrong process because it incentivizes the employer to “manage” the person out…

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After Failure, What’s Next?

Recently, I wrote a post titled After Your First Big Success, What’s Next? The comment thread was powerful and fascinating, as was the direct email feedback I got, including the following note: “I think it would be interesting to hear your perspective on how an entrepreneur should approach “what’s next” after coming off a failed business. How should…

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What I wish someone had told me before quitting my job at Goldman Sachs to start my own business

Here is a letter I would have written to my old self with suggestions about what to think about before quitting my job at Goldman Sachs to start my own business. Johannesburg, 24 March 2014 My dear old employed York I understand you are thinking of quitting your job at ________ where you seem frustrated…

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