Schizopreneur – The Brutal Emotional Battery of Being an Entrepreneur

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and everything feels great? Your first meeting goes brilliantly. Your coffee tastes as good as it smells and your eggs actually arrive as you ordered them (medium and not rock hard).

And then something happens that sends you into the most foul of moods. It’s practically inexplicable. You know it’s happened and you know that you are blowing your mood way out of proportion but you can’t stop.

I have those days.

I have those days every week of every month of every year.

It’s called being an entrepreneur. But recenty I’ve started to feel like the word “entrepreneur” doesn’t express the schizophrenic emotional and mental state that I very often find myself in.

Entrepreneurs need something more vivid, something more brutal and something that effectively explains, in one word, what we experience every day.

The word: Schizopreneur.

A mental condition in which someone cannot think or behave normally and often experiences delusions about their business.

I have never in my life felt such extreme highs and lows as when I am in the throws of building and running a startup.

I wake up happy and proud of what I’m doing, by lunch time I’m considering shutting the whole thing down and then by dinner I’ve signed a deal that makes it all seem great again.

After many years of building business and learning the fine art of failing, you’d think that I’d be used to the rollercoaster of emotion and brutal battery that my mental state finds itself in every day. But I haven’t. I’m not used to it and I don’t think I ever will be.

I do thrive on it though.

I love the highs and lows. No, actually I hate the lows but I love emerging out of them and knowing that I made it out slightly changed and hopefully better.

This is the key to the schizopreneur’s plight; you have to recognise the lows, embrace them and then use them to become a better version of yourself.

I have never worn so many hats, done so many jobs, spoken to so many people, learned so many different skills and hustled so hard in my life.

I just don’t know how to live any other way.

Nic Haralambous is the founder of, a premium Men’s Accessory business. He is also a speaker and writer

Have you ever had one of those days where you wake up and everything feels great? Your first meeting goes brilliantly. Your coffee tastes as good as it smells and your eggs actually arrive as you ordered them (medium and not rock hard). And then something happens that sends you into the most foul of…